"Here is your maidservant, a servant to wash the feet of the servants of my lord." - 1 Sam. 25:41
July 2021
Hello Friend,
Mary here. It’s my turn to bring you an update. As you know, I have been processing things with the Lord. I feel like God is bringing me deeper. John and I pray almost every morning and we’ve read some books that are helping us both go deeper. Here’s what we read a few mornings ago from Darlene Cunningham’s book, Values Matter:
“As I lay there asking the Lord for the gift of music, He began to convict me. I realized I didn’t want the gift of music to bring glory to Him - I just wanted people to like me! I didn’t want these abilities for HIS glory; I wanted them for my glory! There wasn’t an ounce of servant leadership in my motivation, just a lot of self pity. I was deeply repentant.”
I haven’t been praying for the gift of music but I have been unhappy with the gifts God has given me. I have been praying about next steps but saying ‘not administration!” I was putting demands on God because I wanted a ‘better’ gift.
I have always done the next thing that God led me into. Never questioned. A mom. The ministry work no matter where we were, a wife, homeschooling, bookkeeping, transcripts, caring for my mom. I felt like when I finished those then I’d get my ‘real’ calling.
When I read the above paragraph I realize I am the Lord’s servant, He knows the bigger picture. I need to repent and accept who I am and allow Him to open the doors as I go. I aspire to be like Abigail, a woman of integrity and wisdom, who convinced King David not to take vengeance on her wicked husband who later died naturally:
‘Here is your maidservant, a servant to wash the feet of the servants of my lord’ 1 Sam 25:41
I aspire to follow God’s calling to be a servant of servants. That’s what I’ve done. That’s who I am. That’s what I will continue to do with God’s help.
Thank God for providing a practical need
John’s laptop had to be replaced. The keyboard could not be repaired. We asked you to pray with us for extra provision to cover the expense and God is providing. We're still waiting on a check that was promised for speaking engagements. But it covers the need. Praise the Lord. We continue to be amazed at the way God provides. Thank YOU for partnering with us in this ministry.
Visiting Justin
We had a Father’s Day weekend visit to see Justin in California. COVID postponed a trip we had planned and our tickets were still good. It was good to get to know Jess, his girlfriend, too. Then we were surprised when our Sunday lunch included John’s Dad and Stepmom. We took a quick selfie in front of John’s grandparents’ house. So good to see Justin.
Pray for a major outreach to Santiago, Chile in 2022. John is recruiting an Advance Team of Student Mobilization Centre leaders to go to Chile in October 2021 (God willing! We are waiting for the quarantine to end.) The Advance Team of leaders will set up multiple teams to Santiago in July 2022. We're planning for outreaches, internships, and professional volunteers to work with Christian leaders in spheres of influence, like arts, business, communications, education, engineering, government, medicine, etc.
Please keep praying for us
If you can find the time, we would love to have a few moments on a video call to give you a personal update. Let us know if you would like that. Thank you again for your love and your support! Please also pray for the next thing, and the next place God has for us, your missionaries.
P.S. John is working on Converge 2.0, a major step forward for the Student Mobilization Centre leaders' administration of internships and outreaches. He's also developing a new website and mobile app for the Centre. Take an early peek at the new website: stucentre.com
Listen to John's Message
John went to Nashville to speak to a group of leaders at an amazing missions community. Here’s a link to what is a summary of all his messages into one. It's from 2 Peter 1:3-10. BTW, This month John is celebrating 40 years as a follower of Jesus.
Watch on Youtube
The Invitation
YWAM’s international prayer day, called The Invitation, will be focused on the universities in September. Follow this link to get The Invitation every month.
Free Book
John is giving away his recently released book, Making A Difference: How to Extend Your Influence and Transform Your World. He is not selling the book. However, he accepts donations to buy more to give away. He's given away the first two cases already. Sorry. We can't send them outside the USA right now. But if you're in the States, ask us to send you one. If you insist on buying it, then send a donation to help us buy more to give away. Oh, if you insist, you may order the book at Amazon. (Kindle $5 and paperback $20USD).
Prayer Requests
John & I pray together nearly every morning. Join us.
For Becca as she seeks a full time job and makes important life decisions.
For God's relentless pursuit of Justin, Nathan, and Becca, and our extended family.
For John as he develops Converge 2.0 and begins coordination of a major outreach campaign to Santiago, CHILE this fall and next summer. Would you like to go with us?
For new ministry partners to help us transition to the next thing God is leading us to do. We are so grateful to you for your prayers and partnership in the gospel!