"My weekly prayer visits to the Stockton University campus are beginning to germinate fresh vision..."
November 2021
Hello Friend,
Justin and his girlfriend Jess arrived yesterday! This is the first time he’s been home in almost two years. And today is our 33rd anniversary. We are thankful in this Thanksgiving season!
My weekly prayer visits to the Stockton University campus are beginning to germinate fresh vision that Holy Spirit has been giving me.
I’m meeting with faculty and students at Stockton about leading a Discipleship Training Course. A few years ago we ran four DTCs here in local churches in South Jersey, but we’ve never run the course at a university.
The purpose of running the DTC at Stockton is two-fold:
We want to form a university student outreach team to join the Chile for Christ conference and outreach; and,
We also hope to start a new YWAM Student organization on campus. We will also have local outreach.
Just yesterday the vision for the Chile for Christ conference and multiple outreaches was presented to the international leadership of the University of the Nations. The leaders of our global university are all being invited to participate. One of our outreach emphases is to participate in the global End Bible Poverty campaign.
Last month I asked you to pray with me for financial help with my trip to Santiago, Chile. Thank you! I now have my tickets and I have been able to send $500 so far to help set up the office in Chile. I will be in Santiago from Dec. 3-8 to meet with our team there and to help them prepare for the Chile for the outreaches and conference next summer.
Every Tuesday I meet with the planning team on Zoom. The team is growing. We have several in Chile and others from Brazil, Colombia, and Ecuador. Next Tuesday our team meets with Shirley Brownhill, the leader of YWAM’s MegaCities outreach campaigns. The following week we meet Lynn Green, former Chairperson for YWAM Int’l. Last week I was at a North America YWAM Conference where I met with several leaders about “Chile for Christ!”
Please keep praying. Although I have enough for my flights and I sent some seed funds to Chile, we still need to raise another $3050 to reach our budget to fully launch this exciting YWAM Student Centre event. Please invest in this work with us.
We are so thankful for your friendship and prayers. Pray with us for the DTC and Stockton fellowship, for the Chile for Christ event, and for God’s continued provision as we work toward His vision to have faithful obedience among nations (Rom. 1:5). We pray you have a blessed Thanksgiving with family, friends, guests, and strangers.
For our donors, please see the new website and giving page at stucentre.com/give. Choose John & Mary Henry on the drop down list. All our staff and their donors are beginning to use the new donation process.
If you can, please send a special gift to help support the Chile for Christ project right away.
Thank You!
Prayer Requests
John & I pray together nearly every morning. Join us.
For Becca as she continues to seek a full time job and makes important life decisions.
For God's relentless pursuit of Justin, Nathan, and Becca, and our extended family.
For the adoption of the YWAM Events App & Converge 2.0
For the DTC to take place at Stockton University
For Chile for Christ!, the Christ in the Spheres Conference and multiple outreach teams planned for CHILE in the summer of 2022. Would you like to go with us?
For John's trip to Santiago for Advance Team work to set up Chile for Christ Dec. 3-8, 2020
For new ministry partners to adopt us as their missionaries. If you trust God to lead us, please join our team.
We are so grateful to you for your prayers and partnership in the gospel!
Free Book
I am still giving away my book, Making A Difference: How to Extend Your Influence and Transform Your World. I'm not selling the book. Instead, I accept donations to buy more to give away. I've given away the first two cases already. And I'm ready to order more.
Sorry. We can't send them outside the USA right now. But if you're in the States, ask us to send you one. If you insist on buying it, then send a donation to help us buy more to give away. Oh, and you may order the book at Amazon. (Kindle $5 and paperback $20USD).