Healing Emotional Wounds
Hello Friend,
After several years of ministry, leading teams, and preaching the glorious message of Jesus and his work of grace to save, I became tired. This was about 20 years ago. I was worn down by hardships, and disappointments. We had endured a natural disaster, Hurricane Andrew, which put us in deep debt because our condo association did not have sufficient insurance. That had exacerbated the pain caused by another disaster, a human disaster, which left us estranged from our home YWAM center where we were trained and where we had experienced deep fellowship. Most do not know that our names, John & Mary Henry, were listed on the front page of a lawsuit against YWAM International.
Deeply disappointed and burdened by these things, I sought the Lord for answers. But the only answer I got was to “stay faithful” to what God called me to do. So I did. I kept working, training, and sending teams of missional interns. But I was emotionally frail, and I learned later that I was easily triggered.
I was at a family gathering, and I casually offered some advice about a family member. The reaction I got was harsh and angry. I sat stunned, and then anger started burning inside me. I was afraid I could not continue being a good guest at our family gathering, so I stepped out of the room to speak with Mary. We agreed to leave early.
On the long drive home, I was seething inside. But I didn’t know why. That’s what began a weeks-long search for help. I needed to understand what triggered me so deeply. That’s how Mary and I got acquainted with Transformational Prayer Ministries. She and I took a class, and at the end of several weeks of learning about emotional wounds, I was ready to submit to what turned out to be a 30-minute prayer time with Steve Freitag and my friend, Kevin Hanson. I’m still so grateful to both of them. Jesus met me in that short prayer time. He showed me a memory of when I misplaced my heart.
Mary has completed her training and begun meeting with a few people weekly for Transformational Prayer Counseling. The process is called M.E.L.T., Memories, Emotions, Lies, and Truth. This process led me to a deep healing of emotional wounds that I did not know were hurting me. Since that short prayer time, I was no longer stuck in a body that held anger without knowing why. God graced me with the ability to be a good father, husband, friend, and faithful minister.
Please pray for Mary as she launches this ministry, helping husbands and wives and marriages, children and single adults, students and missionaries. If you would like to meet with Mary for a prayer time, reach out to her with this link: https://www.ywamconverge.org/mary-prayer-counselor
Because of what God has done, I have His grace. Tonight, I will give a call to action (altar call) in Philadelphia after a showing of The Jesus Revolution movie for students. Thank you for your prayers and support for what God has called us to do.
For Mary
P.S. Please send a note to help celebrate Mary’s 60th birthday on Sept. 12th.
Good News! To support Yrismar at YWAM Puerto La Cruz in Venezuela, we sent her a gift to help her buy a phone.
Seeking Housing after DTS
Please continue to pray for Chris and Rachel, who just married and are now in the DTS in Cartagena, Colombia. Chris and Rachel helped lead our first DISCIPLE Course on the Stockton Campus. They joined the missions team in Chile last summer and are embarking on the next level of missionary service with YWAM.
The Lopez family will be on an evangelism outreach until December. Then they will be returning to South Jersey where they plan to invest in relationships with their church and the area until God gives them clear instructions about what is next. They are excited to share God’s word and continue serving Him as He leads.
For Justin, Nathan, and Rebecca to receive a fresh experience with Jesus.
For Mary's ministry of Transformational Prayer and for people to find emotional healing
For Mary's 60th birthday celebration.
For our ministry partners to be encouraged to adopt us as their missionaries for stewardship of God's resources.
Pray for students. God is pouring out His Holy Spirit at Stockton, Philadelphia, and Venezuela.
Pray for Yrismar, Chris & Rachel, and for the DTS outreach.
For the YWAM circle of University Ministries serving campuses around the world.